We promote open innovation by investing in the top US Silicon Valley funds and fostering startups in Japan and Asia.
Link Asia Capital株式会社 / Link Asia Capital Inc.
2015年10月6日 設立
〒154-0002 東京都世田谷区
Established on October 6, 2015
Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 154-0002, Japan
代表取締役 小尾 一介 / Representative Partner Kazusuke Obi
デジタルガレージ取締役としてカカクコム、Twitterなどの事業育成をした後に、Google JapanのDirector/戦略事業開発代表、InMobiのVice Presidenを歴任。2015年Khosla Ventures に投資するJapan Feeder Fundの組成と同時に当社を設立。
After developing businesses such as Kakaku.com and Twitter as director of digital garage, Kazusuke served as Director / Strategy Business Development Director of Google Japan and Vice President of InMobi. In 2015, he established Link Asia Capital Inc. at the same time as the formation of the Japan Feeder Fund to invest in Khosla Ventures.